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The user is welcomed by his/her first name.

Personal Greeting 


This shows the Grade level of the users and number of words remaining in the word list.

Grade Level and Number of words in the word list


Click the "New Word" button to get a new word from the word list.

"New Word" button


Click the "Replay" button to repeat the current word from the word list.

"Replay" button


Click the Read Slowly / Snail button to repeat the current word from the word list slowly

Read Slowly (Snail) button


The user has 3 attempts to get the correct spelling of the word. For every wrong attempt a "life" is reduced.

Number of Attempts/ Lives


On 3 incorrect attempts, the app provides help with the spelling of the word. Clicking the small speaker button, the word is spelled out letter by letter.

Help with Correct Spelling 


The user can skip words by clicking the "New Word" button back to back. All the skipped words can be reviewed by clicking the skipped words link

Skipped Words Link


A list of all the skipped words by the user. 

Skipped Word List


All the incorrect words can be reviewed by clicking the incorrect words link

Incorrect Words Link


A list of all the incorrect words by the user. The list shows the correct spelling along with all the incorrect attempts made. 

Incorrect Word List


Clicking on the "Reload" button, the user is able to restart with the word list. All the progress is reset.

Reload Button


The user can logout clicking the Logout button.

Logout Button

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